Friday, January 31, 2020

Title Research: Watch the titles

     We researched the website This website contains the opening scenes of many movies. It also contains the opening scenes of video games and tv shows but we the movie opening scenes is what we really focused on. The reason we are researching this website is to help us with our new class project. This project is to create an opening scene for our own movie. Opening scenes are important as they set the mood for the rest of the movie. We want to have a creative opening scene so we are using this website to help. For this website it is better to search the movie title rather than the genre. This website not only has the opening sequences but the studios and designers that made them. If we find a designer we like the website can give us our name so we can search their other works so it is very helpful. The website also ties the relation of the opening scene to the movie. This can help us gain an understanding to the thought process of making an opening scene. The website also offers a wide range of movie selections from different time periods and in different languages. The website definitely shows creative title sequences. Overall the website is very helpful in our research in opening sequences and gives us many ideas of what our opening sequence could look like.

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