Sunday, January 26, 2020

Genre Research: Good Boys

     Good Boys is about a group of middle school boys who has a high school neighbor they spy on. The camera angles were high when someone was talking to the boys but low when the boys would talk to someone else. There were establishing shots before every scene and a lot of over the shoulder shots between the talking characters. Aeriel shots were used when they would spy on their high school neighbor. There wasn't much camera movement other than track and tilt. One scene had a selling deal going on and the camera would follow where the characters went and tilted at the objects they had. The cutaway and shot reverse shots were used whenever the characters were talking. The action match help shows the time passed between the scenes. The main sound was the dialogue and diegetic sounds. The sound motif would occasionally happen when something went wrong or something sneaky was happening. The costumes were just regular clothes. Natural lighting was used throughout the whole movie. The house would be lit up from the light outside or the street lights. The actors are young middle school boys and some high schoolers and adults. The boys didn't wear makeup. However, the girls would be shown putting some makeup on but it looks natural still. The main places the characters went to was each other's houses and school. We like the maturity these kids have at some parts of the movie and other parts they wouldn't know how to act and be scared. We dislike how they talk about girls because it sounds like they're objectifying them for their own needs.

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