We will be editing on pinnacle studios for our commercial. We must use the same computer and same account since our footage will be saved on the desktop itself. First we put the SD card with our footage in the SD card reader. Then we plug it into the computer. After the reader is plugged in a screen will pop up. In this screen we will look for our footage in DCIM. The date and the time on the camera must be correct in order for us to find our footage. If our footage is not on DCIM then we can go to private, then AVCHD, and then stream. In stream is everything on the SD card. We then highlight however many videos we have and put it on the folder we have on our desktop. What we just did was called dumping.
Then we import all our footage from our computer to pinnacle studios. We have to make sure everything is loaded completely or the system might crash on us. In pinnacle studios instead of clicking the words themselves we have to click the small plus sign beside them. Every time we film we will be inputting all of our footage onto pinnacle studios. If we don't want a certain clip we can just uncheck it. Before we edit we have raw footage. Raw footage is everything we have filmed unenhanced and unedited. There are three tracks we see in pinnacle studios. One is the AV track 1 the top track where the title goes. The second is AV track 2 the middle track where the footage goes. The last one is AV track 3 where the sound goes.
When we drag our footage down to AV track 3 we will see an orange bar which means it is loading. We have to wait for that bar to become clear to start because that means it has finished loading. We can use the read play bar to play through our footage. We can also you the play button or the space bar to play it. We can double click on the picture of our footage in the corner to make it full screen. To cut our footage we click on the razorblade one which will cut or previously one scene into two. Then we highlight the part we don't want and press delete. If we want to undo something we can always press the back button. We detach the sound by going to NBIO72 and making sure the orange box is around that clip. We then right click and press detach audio. If we want to delete it we make sure the orange, yellow box is around what we want to delete and delete it. To get transitions we right click and press open effects editor. If we want words we hit the T and type what we want. When we are completely done with our project we will export it and make sure it is an mpeg 4.
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