We finished filming today. There were many things we had to change from our story board once we got on site. We had to reshoot some parts since our clothes changed. We also had to reshoot because fortunately the library let us barrow a table for our “Vans Store”. We then filmed the parts where my character finally gets a pair of Vans. When we were about to film the last scene of me coming down the stairs, we saw one of our friends in a pair of Vans. I helped persuade him into being in our last group shot. We almost got another Vans wearer in our group but our persuasion didn’t work. Then we headed back to the classroom to put away our props to pick up later. That was the end of filming.
We were supposed to start editing but our computers aren’t working today. I thought of an idea for when i open the shoebox an Avril Lavigne song is playing in the background. I first thought i could sing a voice over but the group decided we should just play a short clip straight from the song. Along with Avril I thought there could be a bright light shining from the shoebox when I opened it. This didn't work though because it was too bright outside. We also didn't know how to edit the light in. I also had an idea that would make our change of clothes look natural. This was to make it seem like it was a different day. One way was to add some text saying the next day or something of that nature. I don't think our commercial will be heavily edited because I feel the shots we got were good raw.
A lot of our shots are handheld so the footage looks a little shaky. One shot had a zoom in which reminded me of a scene from The Office. I think our commercial is unique since there were many unplanned things that made it better. I think we might add in bloopers so the audience finds It funny and can relate. Although, it might take away from the fact that it is a commercial so it is still undecided. The raw footage looks unprofessional and shaky like teens made it, which they did. I think we can use editing to help make it look like it was on purpose so they audience gets the feeling of a group of friends made this. I think there are many things we can do with editing to get the affect we are going for. All of our footage is dumped on our flash drive so we are ready to get started. I have a good feeling the commercial will come out fantastic.