We are not filming over break. There are many reasons as to why we will not be filming. One main reason is simply because it is break. Breaks are important in life especially pertaining to school work. In order to produce our best work we need to take some time off for ourselves. School is stressful enough in normal conditions but we now have the added on stressor of being in a pandemic. We realize our mental health is important and taking a break is important. Also, this is not just any break but winter break. Many important holidays take place during this break making it difficult to plan filming in the first place. People want to spend quality time with their families and so do we. Spending time with family is important and we would not want to put our actors in the position to chose us or family. Even if our actors did want to film their parents would most likely say no. This is because their parents would probably want them to stay home and celebrate. We understand how important religion is to many and would not want to put our project in the way of people's celebrations. Also, many people's parents still work during this break. Not all adults have two weeks off like us and instead have two or three days off. This would also cause problems when planning to film. Our actors would have to gain permission to go somewhere while their parents were at work. Also, our actors do not have their own cars so they would have to find their own means of transportation. This would mean a parent would have to get off work to take them, they would have to pay for an Uber, or take a bus. We don't want to inconvenience our actors or their parents so it would just be easier to film after break or the weekend right before it ends.
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