The first scene of our short film is a three way facetime call. The three main best friends of the film are all in this call. Each of the girls is supposed to be in her own house because they are calling each other while getting ready for school. It has been a little tricky to plan how we are going to film this scene. Originally, we decided to have our actors film this on their own. We would share the script with them and have them record themselves reading their lines. Then, we would edit the footage we received from them into a three way split screen. The split screen would represent the facetime call. When we initially planned this, we knew it would be tricky. After filming though, we realized it might be harder than we thought. During filming our actors did not read the script word for word and somewhat fed off of each other. This would make them filming separately alone a little difficult. Our actors would benefit from filming together because the atmosphere is different with other people. Filming alone could make our actors uncomfortable and awkward which is not what we are going for with this scene. The scene is supposed to be fun and natural so we wouldn't want any stiffness. Due to these reasons we decided to think of another way to film this scene. Then we decided next time we film we will film this scene at our group members house. Since the actors will all be there anyways we will just film then. We will film in different areas of our group members house to make it seem like the characters are in different houses when in reality it is just our one group member's house. This also makes it quicker since we won't have to wait for our actors to film and send us the footage for the scene. We feel these new plans will benefit everyone and make filming go smoother.
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