Saturday, November 21, 2020

Soundtrack Ideas

 Since we have begun marketing and finished our screenplay and storyboard we have begun thinking about which music we want to have in our movie. The move is very romantic and has comedic elements too, so we want a score that represents that. We want to use copyright free music too. This will make certain things easier than using copyrighted music. For example, we don't have to wait for an artist or a label to respond to us. With copyright free music we can immediately put the music in our film. However, there are other aspects that are more difficult with copyright free music. For example, finding the music in the first place is difficult but also finding music that fits with the tone of our movie is even harder. We do have experience from previous project though. For our end of the year project last year in AICE Media AS we had to find uncopyrighted music. From this project we even found a song we might include in this project. We were thinking of including multiple songs in our short film. By doing this we hope to make our movie more memorable and the mood more impactful. For the happier scenes we were thinking of fun pop songs. For the funnier scenes, usually banter, we might put overly dramatic music to emphasize the banter is ridiculous. For the more serous scenes maybe a more mellow pop or R&B. For the romantic scenes we were thinking of songs that evoke happiness and peace in the listener. We don't really have a genre in mind for those scenes as we think the mood is more important than genre. We would prefer the songs to contain singing to make the meaning more clear. However, we understand that with many copyright free songs there is hardly any vocals if any at all. We hope to find music that is fitting for our movie and believe our score will be beautiful.

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