Monday, December 2, 2019

Filming The Music Video: Our Experience

    Filming went smoothly. Even though there were complications I feel that we were more efficient this time. This could be because it wasn't our first time filming. It could also have been easier because there was no speaking. In our commercial we had to speak and have a somewhat believable dialogue. In our music video we have no dialogue. Also, there is less acting in our music video. In our commercial we had to play characters and act a little. In our music video though, we rely more on being natural. We did this since our video is based around friends having a good time.
Since me and my group partner were friends we didn't necessarily have to act to show friends having fun.
     Since we had more skill in filming, it was more enjoyable. Being in a good mood was helpful for filming. This is because the mood for the video was happy and relaxed. Not being hungry definitely helped morale. Personally, I get irritated easily when I'm hungry which wouldn't be good for filming. Fortunetely, my group mate had brought muffins. The muffins tasted very good. We hung out a little before a little so we were in a relaxed mood. This made filming run smoothly putting aside the mishaps that happened. Overall there was a good morale for filming the music video.
     While filming we had a lot of communication with each other. Communication is important because this is a group project and everyone should be able to voice their opinion. Communication helps to make the group project truly a group effort. I asked others what they felt about what we just shot and if they would like to reshoot. I also asked about what they wanted to do next, where, and what angle. My other group members asked me questions. They also gave me their opinions on what we should do. This made everyone easily agree on what we would film. Everyone was happy with the footage we had. Also, everyone had a say and their opinions listened to.

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